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Muirfins Bylaws - Updated 2019

Bylaws - Updated 2019



The name of the organization will be “Muirfins Booster Club, Inc.” an Ohio not-for-profit corporation (Fed ID #31-0984883) which will be operated in accordance with the meaning and provisions set forth of Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The purpose of the Muirfins Booster Club, Inc. will be the year-round monetary and moral support of the Muirfins Swim Team and will include coordination and direction of swim meets.


The elected officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. They, along

with the Immediate Past President shall service as the Executive Committee.


Anyone serving on the Board must have an eligible enrolled swimmer on the Muirfins Swim Team. Board members are expected to volunteer, but may sign up only as needed and are not required to meet the same minimum requirements as general members.

A person may serve in only one Board position in a given season.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Immediate Past President; the 4 elected or appointed Officers as outlined in Article III. In addition to the Executive Board members, the following Committee Chairpersons will serve as Board members:

  • Swim Meet Director
  • Volunteer Coordinator (Assistant Swim Meet Director)
  • Apparel
  • Social
  • Fundraising
  • Webmaster
  • Awards/Ribbons
  • Parade

Additional committee chairpersons may be appointed as deemed necessary by the President (subject to Board approval). Job descriptions for chairpersons may be changed as deemed necessary by the President (subject to Board approval) and will be available upon request.

Each member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is entitled to one vote per person. The President shall have no voting rights except to break a tie. All 4 voting members must vote in person or electronically.

If a member of the Board is absent from three consecutive Board Meetings, except for reason of extenuating circumstances, the office shall become vacant and the Board shall have the right to appoint a new Board Member.


Eligibility to swim is determined by the following:

1. Swimmers must be members of families in good standing with The Muirfield Association as determined by The Muirfield Association.

2. Swimmers must have paid the fee as set forth by the Muirfins Booster Club, Inc. by the date set forth in the current registration packet.

3. Parents of swimmers must agree to fulfill the required volunteer duties as deemed necessary by the schedule for the current year (may vary between 1 and 4 volunteer slots per family per season) as set forth by the Muirfins Booster Club, Inc. in the current registration packet.

4. All families become General Members of the Muirfins Booster Club for the season in which their swimmer is participating. Each Family will receive one vote per family if a vote is required.


The election of officers shall take place electronically prior to the end of the current season or in person at the end of year Awards Ceremony (with every attempt being made to vote prior to the end of season Awards Ceremony). The Board will make every effort to provide team parents with at least ten (10) days’ notice of the vote and proposed slate of officers. This notice will be given electronically. General members may contact the Nominating Committee to self-nominate. The closing date for self- nominations is 7 days prior to the electronic vote.

In the event of a vacancy after the election, the President, with Board approval, will appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy. A vacancy in the office of the Immediate Past President will not be filled.


All Executive Officers shall be responsible for the duties of their position as outlined below. Basic duties include (but are not limited to):


  • Shall preside at all meetings of the General membership and the Board of Directors.
  • Shall coordinate Board activities necessary to carry out projects and activities on a year-round basis in the best interest of the Muirfins Booster Club, Inc. including the appointment of all Chairpersons.
  • Shall serve as liaison to the Muirfield Association and will be the League Representative.
  • Shall lead and complete the process for hiring and contracting coaching staff according to procedures in Article X.
  • Shall preside at any General or Board meetings in the absence of the President. •Shall assume role of President for the following year.
  • Shall keep complete records of all proceedings of General meetings and Board of Director meetings and report accordingly.
  • Shall be responsible for all internal communications of the Board of Directors relative to General meetings and Board meetings.
  • Shall coordinate and record in the minutes all electronic votes to Board and General membership.
    • Shall be custodian of the funds of the Muirfins Booster Club, Inc. and shall receive and disburse them as directed by the Board.
    • Shall report financial standings at Board and General Meetings. •Shall secure all necessary insurance policies.
    • Shall allow a 3rd party to audit the financial records once per season by the end of the Fiscal year (audit to be completed between August and December)
    • Shall work with a professional accountant to ensure that all taxes are filed on-time including annual Federal and State of Ohio Tax Returns; Quarterly Payroll taxes (including the quarters where there is $0 payroll); School District Tax Returns; and Bureau of Workers Compensation Fees. At no time shall the treasurer attempt to file taxes on their own, a professional accountant must be hired.


  • Shall assist President as necessary.
  • Shall serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
  • Shall lead the electronic officer election. If the Immediate Past President cannot lead the election, the President shall appoint a member of the Nominating Committee to do so.
    • There will be one (1) General Meeting per year - which will also be the Awards Ceremony.
    • No separate notice will be given as the end of year Award Ceremony is posted at the beginning of the season.


    The President (with Board approval) has authority to establish committees and their descriptions of duties as deemed necessary. A list of current committees will be made available on the official Muirfins website: www.Muirfins.com.


    The President, with Board approval, shall determine the employees and their salaries. •Open positions shall be posted on the website by February 1st.

  • All applicants for coach positions (head or assistant) will be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration.
  • All hired positions shall be made official by the President per a majority vote of the Board and signed contract.
  • All applicants for coaching must be 16 years of age as of June 1st of the current season.
  • Applicants who are hired must review, agree and sign Code of Conduct guidelines.
  • Additional hiring requirements may be specified by the President as necessary, subject to Board approval.

    Amendments to these By-laws may be made at any General membership meeting (or via electronic vote) by a majority vote of the voting membership. Typographical errors and changes due to systematic changes (such as a change in our league name) may be made by the Board without a vote of the General membership.


    The fiscal year shall be defined as that period from January 1st to December 31st

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