Meet Prep Checklist
Things to bring/do to guarantee a fun, successful meet!
- Team Suit
- Team Cap
- Goggles
- Sunscreen
- 2 Towels: Bring at least 2 towels (or 1 towel and something waterproof to sit on).
- Water Bottle: Bring a water bottle - it's important to stay hydrated (swimmers do sweat!).
- Sweatshirt: Bring a sweatshirt/pants to stay warm between events.
- Healthy Snacks: Bring healthy snacks (fruit, yoghurt, granola,...) or plan to visit our concessions; goes to a great :) !
- Sharpie Name All Important Stuff: Sharpie your child's name on all items, especially team t-shirt/ towel - they all look alike and swimmers lose them often!
- Sharpie Events on your swimmer: Sharpie your child's events on his/her forearm or back of hand using this format, E H L [E=event, H=heat, L=lane]. It's best to do this before sunscreening your swimmer - sharpie doesn't write well on sunscreened skin.
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