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N.E.W. League Stroke and Turn Rules 2023 (last updated in 2022)

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Home Meet Set Up Instructions

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Meet Volunteer Job Descriptions

Set Up: 

Prepare the pool area for a meet including: set up the bleachers, bullpen tent & benches, circle the pool with the green/white flags. Set up the backstroke flags, lane lines, scoring tent & table, ribbon table, starter table. 


Assemble swimmers to get ready for their events. The lead bull pen member will be tasked with writing the events on the dry erase board so the swimmers and parents know who should be reporting to the bull pen. At the direction of the lead bullpen person, volunteers in the bull pen will work in the team area to:

1) locate the younger swimmers (10&U) and seat them in heat and lane order on the benches

2) walk the swimmers to the appropriate lanes

3) stay behind the starting area at the blocks to be sure all swimmers are in their proper lane before their heat

**please make certain that individual medley and medley relay swimmers are in the bullpen at the start of each home meet**


Operates stopwatch and records race time of the swimmers in each event and records time onto lane cards.


The runners take the lane cards and official’s DQ slips after each event to the scoring table. Also runners give the timers and bullpen volunteers short breaks during the meet.

Stroke & Turn Official

Determine if the swimmers are using the correct strokes and turns, and disqualify, if necessary. Clear instructions on the DQ slip allowing the coach and swimmer to remedy the infraction. Prior training required.


Attach the swimmers’ race results label sticker (printed after the race) to the back of the proper place ribbons following each event. Sort the ribbons by team. The opposing team ribbons can be given to their team coach. Muirfins team ribbons are placed in swimmers' folders.

Clean Up

Help clean up the pool area after the meet with a group of four volunteers. (reverse of set-up tasks listed above).

Social Committee: 

Assist with the social events as far as crowd control, set-up, tear-down and planning as necessary. To be led by the direction of the Social Chair.

Thanks again for helping! The meets run smoothly and are FUN for all when scheduled volunteers show up for their assigned jobs.

If for any reason you cannot meet your commitment, PLEASE FIND A REPLACEMENT – we’re counting on you! If you have any questions, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator.

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